Saturday, April 19, 2008

This is our daughet Peyton who loves to be outside. She was thrilled when I told her if she wants to go outside. When she is outside, shes in her own world. Today we helped William with our house and Peyton had so much fun playing in the dirt and mud. Peyton even had the chance to ride on backhoe with her dad. She had fun today!


Anonymous said...

Boy! she did indeed love that dirt!
And glad you can help your sweet husband off an on too and you know Peyton won't mind either! To bad no photo of the backhoe with Peyton you should of came over a grab my camera

Becca and Kent said...

It's fun to see how much little kids like to be outside, isn't it? She's a cutie!

Teresa said...

I'm an outdoor gal also- cute pic.